The 29th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2021) is organized by the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE). ICCE 2021 will be held on November 22-26, 2021, from Monday to Friday.Ā Pre-conference events (e.g., Doctoral Student Consortium, workshops, and tutorials) will be conducted on the first two days and the main conference will begin on November 24th, 2021.

Accepted papers in the main conference, workshops, Early Career Workshop, Doctoral Student Consortium and Work-in-Progress Posters will be published in proceedings, which will be submitted to Elsevier for inclusion inĀ Scopus.Ā Proceedings of the mainconference (excluding posters) will also be submitted to Thomson Reuters for inclusion in theĀ Conference Proceedings Citation Index.



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